Harmony College Northwest

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HCNW logo 011924

General Information

Throughout this website, over the coming months, you will find information about Harmony College Northwest and what is offered over the weekend.  Make sure to read through the “Campus Life” page.

For 2024, we are offering:

  • Chorus Coaching sessions – FILLED
  • Quartet Coaching sessions – FILLED
  • Coaching Under Glass – where you can watch a top quartet and coaches work intensely together in a coaching environment.
  • The Arrangers’ Workshop is scheduled for June 13-14, 2024.
  • NEW! We are adding a Harmony Platoon for June 13-14, 2024. If you’d like more early information about the platoon, visit the webpage.
  • Learn more about your vocal instrument and all facets of our wonderful hobby. 
  • You can even have a voice lesson at HCNW.  PVIs (as we call them) will be included in the weekend.  STILL OPEN
  • Singing!!!  Oh yes, if you want to sing all weekend, we have a wide assortment of singing opportunities for you to pick from.
  • Fun! Oh yes, we will all have fun learning, singing, and visiting together throughout the weekend.


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