Harmony College Northwest

HCNW - Looking back at 2023

Bringing singers together again....

After two years of doing only virtual events, it was great to bring singers back together at HCNW2023. The energy that everyone brought to the weekend was unbelievable! Students were able to pick from over 100 classes and coaching opportunities, along with having personal PVIs available.

The top-notch faculty was amazing and very easy to work with from the very beginning.  Every one of them quickly offered, “Yes, and what can I do to help??”  With that kind of energy coming in from our faculty – we knew we had something magical about to happen… and it did!!

Click on the links below to view some of the memories from the weekend.

HCNW is also working with Paul Ellinger to promote TWO “Boundless Initiative for Growth” series of Zoom meetings since last August. The first of the series, “How to Grow Your Chapter” finished in November, but you can check out what the classes and zoom meetings covered by clicking HERE.  The second series, “How to Grow Musically” started this January.  You might want to join us — it’s all FREE.  

Friday Night's
General Session

We finally are able to bring singers back together on campus for a weekend of fun, friendships, education, and tons of singing.  Our kickoff speaker for the evening was Rob Mance (11:08) followed by Paul Ellinger (37:59) introducing the Boundless Initiative for Growth. Artistic License (51:30), delayed by their flights, still showed up and sang to a very appreciative audience. The national anthems were sung by “Under the Radar”.

Saturday Night's Show

This video includes our special 2023 Saturday Night Chorus – where students from all over the NW and western Canada learned their music ahead of time and came together for classes and to perform during the Saturday Show. HCNW was started back in 1980 as a yearly educational event for singers. 

Our emcee for the evening was Lisa Greenough (director or the Gateway Chorus, Edmonton, AB, Canada.


(click on the list to enlarge)

The only way forward is to grow. The straight forward ideas are brilliant and wel laid out for us to learn and take back to our chapters.

This was good information.  Enjoyed learning how “closely” we can tune.  Even better than a piano.  LOL.  

Amazing, interactive learning experience

Best ever! I met some wonderful people and was totally amazed at the sound that Donny and Amy Rose were able to get out of us.

Donny and Amy work so well together. I thoroughly enjoyed learning the song and looking forward to performing it at the Saturday show.

Great class.  I walked away with some new techniques to help regulate my nervous system before performances. 

Really helped me confirm that I DO have the tools to be a more effective coach. Learning to trust myself, my experience, my ears, I can draw on it all to coach with much more confidence

Terrific! You gave me mindful ideas to my daily practice I can implement right away.

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